Hardcover Weekly Check-In Journals


Daily journaling can be overwhelming – so the idea of these particular journals is to check in with yourself just once a week.

My hope is that this simple, low-stress way of journaling can be easily worked into your life!

The questions are designed to help you process both the good and the bad from your week in a mindful way, so that you don’t have to bottle things up or minimize your feelings and experiences.

Life isn’t perfect, but allowing ourselves to feel and process our full range of emotions can be very powerful!

These journals measure just over 6×9″ and feature my original artworks. They have 52 (UNDATED) weekly check-ins – so you can set it on whatever day fits your life best – and a simple floral coloring page for each week to help you de-stress.

There is also a space for you to intentionally set priorities, goals, or affirmations for the next week, called “Next week’s top 3.” And finally, at the end, a short recap of how your year went / how you want the next year to go!

I hope that these can be a helpful addition to your weekly routine!